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Kayla Gowans Fine Art


Regular price $0.00 CAD
Regular price Sale price $0.00 CAD



Oil on canvas

Parenting has been so transformative, and I wanted to reflect that in this self portrait. Learning to set myself aside, to take care of more immediate issues and deal with my own problems later, was a hard lesson to learn at first. Setting my ego on the back burner to put out the little fires as they spring up around me has been a necessity. Sometimes it can lead to a minor existential crisis; who am I now that I’m a mom? Have I really changed so much since before I had kids? Am I even the same person now? But as much as I would love to take the time to deeply explore these ideas, literally as I was writing this, one of my kids just unraveled an entire roll of toilet paper into the toilet for no reason, so I guess I'll worry about that other stuff later.

Prints available soon.